Wednesday, August 6, 2014

WTF? Kawashima Celica

You've probably seen this infamous car circling the internet for quite some time and we're sure that every time you see it, you think to yourself, "WTF? How do you drive that thing?!" If that's the case, the owner has explained what was going through his head when he was creating this attention grabbing Toyota.

The owners name is Kawashima, you may know him or his slammed yellow Celica for competing in FWD drift events in Japan. When Kawashima was interviewed about the what he was trying to do with this outrageous car, he explained:

As for the look, there's three main points of the way modified cars should look (in Japan), and that's onikyan (cambered wheels), tsuraichi (tires just barely inside the guards) and hippari (stretched tires). I wanted to make a car that took all of those things to the furthest point I've ever seen them done.

This car first gained popularity at the Nagoya Exciting Car Showdown where the car, even when it was unfinished, gained the most attention. Images of Kawashima's Celica have been the most downloaded images off of many automotive blog sites and the video of it on YouTube has close to 4 million views!

As you can tell, the wheels poke way farther out then tires. In order to achieve this dangerous balancing act, Kawashima fills the tires to about 87 psi. and has to refill them mid-drive with a bike pump. And if you're thinking, "Why the hell would anyone do that? It's not practical." Think again. Kawashima actually daily drives and drifts this thing! 

Since then, Kawashima's Celica has gone through some changes. The car has gotten lower, wider, a more aggressive setup and a fresh respray. Tons of custom work has been put into the car (not all of it is up to safety par) and thats what makes this car such a work of art. Some people hate it, and some people love it. Either way, Kawashima doesn't care, he builds cars for what he likes. 

Photo Credit: Nori Yaro

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